Thursday, June 26, 2008

Vientianne to Pakxan

Hi Guys,
I am writing again before I leave Vientianne because I don't know when I can access an internet cafe again. I have been told that it'll be tough from now on . I have been advised not to cycle north to Luang Prabang as the route can be dangerous as I am alone so I'll be going east to Pakxan some 160 km away. There are no towns in between so, looks like I have to make that in a day, otherwise I'll have to look for a temple or something like that.
Earlier, I said that a railway line runs in the middle of the 'Friendship Bridge' but was told it is still not being used as there are no railway trains in Laos. That is for the future.
Vientianne as not as organised as cities in Thailand. There's a lot of rubbish around and things are not well kept. I see a lot of uniformed men around at street corners and the streets and buildings. They don't seem to be doing anything important. I don't know what they are paid for.
At the shopping centre, 'Capital', that I had my mutton curry, the air conditioning is so bad that it is as if there's no air conditioning at all. Anyway I went there again, for my b'fast (coffee and egg-tuna sandwich) and lunch ( rice and chicken curry). Thai Baht can be used but since I ran out of them I had to widthraw from the ATM. and you know what, I drew 1,000,000 Kip. which I think is about RM400/-. I am a multi-millionaire here.
There are quite a number of 'whites' around. Some are tourists and some have married the locals and I guess settled here.
I had a bad dream during a nap this afternoon. That really shook me and made me really stressed physically and mentally. Well, I am only 1/3 of my journey, I must stay strong and focused, and thinking of you guys, keeps me going.
Thanks Jimbo, Tey and others who left comments and my friend Datuk Johan Jaaffar who never fail to lift my spirits up and Din at 'Warung Rus", Minister Of Youth and Sports, and Adun Edward, the Local MP, for the encouragements, and to all who are following my progress. Hassan, you are still there ? Till next time. Love and regards.


Kama At-Tarawis said...

Salam Pak Adnan

Glad to note you have made it to Laos. That's one third of the journey done. Keep on cycling, we are cheering you on! The kids and their father say hello and offer their best wishes.
May Allah bless you always.

blueameba said...

Keep it up, go go go Uncle Adnan!
Wish you have a safe journey, I'll drop by at your blog to support you :)

ARZ said...

Cik Gu,

The dogs...yes they can be a nuisance. I'm planning to buy a gadget soon "dog dazer". It's supposed to confuse the dogs but wont hurt them.

I too have had heart pumping moments with dogs. Anyway, glad you are progressing well.

Anonymous said...

Hello,Pak Adnan:

Keep it up,hope weather is ok for u ya,160km ,slow slow,take u time...cheers !! Safety always come first !!


Anonymous said...


Glad to see u made it to Laos safely, well except for the dogs fiasco... It's good to know u are opting to travel the safer route even though it will be further.

Got a card from Mak, she included a newspaper cutting about u, the one with the visa problem. Sucks, huh? Adam saw your picture & said, "Hey, I've seen him before!" He doesn't quite remember who u r but he knows he went makan-makan with u a loooooong time ago!! Hahaha!
U know him, anything that involves food...

Anyways, Mak also said Abah & Pak Syed will be meeting up with u in Hanoi... hope u guys have fun!! BTW, when exactly will u reach there?

Keep us posted & please, please, please take care!!!

Salaam from all the family.

Anonymous said...

I want to bike to Beijing too, but when I told my plans to my wife, my wife goes, "And you want to leave me to take care of the kids all by myself?" Any suggestions?